Swiss Grid Ref Compass


not available

Find out where you are on the Swiss coordinate system, anywhere in Switzerland, to help pinpoint your current whereabouts on a map. App Provides: CH1903 / LV03 Grid Ref, WGS84 Latitude and Longitude values, and a current Compass Bearing.
The Accuracy of Readings, as indicated by your device, will also be shown.
Swiss Grid Ref Compass - Your Grid Refrence App!
App will operate internationally, but the "Grid Reference" information is intended for use in Switzerland, using Swiss Maps. App includes a graphical guide to the Swiss coordinate system.
Ideally suited for use by walkers, hikers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. It is recommended that you should always carry a map and physical compass when on outdoor pursuits.
For best results, use in a flat position, not an upright position. Much like a traditional compass. Use in an open space, where possible, away from trees, buildings and sources of interference.
The screen can, optionally, be set to stay on, for continued on-screen display of Grid Reference information.
Share your Location Information / Grid References via Text Message, Email, or Tweet*
Compatible with handsets that feature GPS and Compass hardware. You may have to grant the app permission to use this information.
* - Internet Connection, and correctly configured Text Messaging, Email app, required to fulfil. Tweet Functionality will either use the official Twitter App (if installed), or proceed to in your web browser.